Challenge Description

Descarcati fisierul Exercitiu.pcap si raspundeti la intrebarile primite.

Resurse utile: inregistrarea webinarului realizata de Albert Vartic, din partea OMV Petrom + resursele din Bootcamp publicate de acesta in sectiunea de pe Google Drive.

Autor: Albert Vartic, OMV Petrom

Flag proof


The exact PLC info can be found in some packets from the given capture. With the help of the discovered PLC brand (Siemens) and CPU identifier, the rest of the needed info can be found with some Google searches.


After wandering around in the capture for a while, I found the PLC name here:

Then, to find the version recommended by Siemens, I used :> 3.2.18 (latest).

With the help of the mentioned page, I also found that the current version is 3.2.6 .